And so i spent the Valentine's at finishing this anime Shingetsutan Tsukihime.
Valentines? What Valentines? Isn't it just another fad exploited by commercialism and consumerism?
And who says one must have a special event right at Feb 14th and not on other days before it. One might save on not spending a lot of unnecessary money that way.
And who says we can't have a Valentines Day everyday, or once a week, or once a month.
That said, i am single, and i am proud to be one. With my (add degree of extent here) self-centered character i would probably be more suited to enjoy the freedom alone and would also not have to worry about not participating enough, or worry about whether i am being too selfish and not caring about the other partner's feelings or not.
And i told my cousins plus some other people who had asked me, "Eh no girlfriend arh?" , that i'd really prefer being single.
They all replied," Lol wait till you get one, then you won't think this way already."
Heh, wishful thinking.
Ok back to Shingetsutan Tsukihime.
It's great, really really great. It's being a while since i last enjoyed an anime that isn't a comedy type. The last that i could remember was Code Geass (of course plus Code Geass R2).
I guess ones that can make me jerk a tear or two or even a river for more awesome ones i had watched in the past really works for me huh.
Too bad, again, Tsukihime is only a 12 episode anime series, and maybe it'll be even better if it was extended to 15 plus episodes to allow for more character development of the cast. Or maybe even to 26 episodes since there is still a red-haired lady who didn't get much mention or background story in the anime. And of course, i want more Arcueid. I was inclined to play the visual novel version of it for a more complete story, but when i saw the artwork (even though it's an eroge, sadly), i think i would leave it aside, as my tolerance for artworks/drawings that are "non-modern" or not drawn properly is quite low.
And again, i am lazy to summarise all the content (Go wiki it if you have spare time), but i wanna point out about the romance between the main female character in the anime version and the male protagonist. It's that of a (female) vampire and a human.
This kind of romance interests me.
(And before you fangirls go scream "Twilight", please don't, the concept of Twilight disgusts me, since
1. I only accept female vampires 2. I hate brainless bitches, especially if they are the stereotypical Hollywood american bitchy love-strucked girls) 3. on and so forth... after i picked up the courage to tolerate getting disgusted for the length of that movie (to correct my misunderstanding about Twilight? Nah nah nah look at "1." two lines above) )
(Back to topic) And yes these kinds of supernatural stuff interests me, especially romance when there is usually a gap in lifespan between the supernatural being and the human. Makes me sad thinking about the short, ephemeral existence of humans and how they have to part, at least in the romance in the fiction. (Though in the Tsukihime anime, the female vampire was killed by the bad guy. Sobx.)
Which is why, i have the desire to work towards extending the human life to as long as possible. (Irl, not pertaining to supernatural beings already, but the death of the loved ones we hold dearest) And yes i do acknowledge the possible consequences that will happen if one day we can really live to double of our lifespan now (assuming aging process is proportioned similarly), like whether the Earth still has the space to accommodate the endless desires and consumptions of our race. But i plan to run away from those.
(Assuming i have the chance to actually go research, damn it results day is probably near and i am gonna hate it.)
(Back to topic) Eh, ok i lost track of what i was gonna type when i sidetracked, but never mind.
Next to watch, will be Fate/Stay Night. I watched the first episode of it from a long time ago, maybe many years ago. I am not sure if i would like such "proxy battle" type anime, plus i predict that there will be a sad ending to this anime.
Oh well, i guess i'll watch it anyway.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Sunday, February 13, 2011 ' 10:32 PM
I thought i wouldn't touch those animes with horror, mystery, gore and/or psychological themes and genres.
But just now i did. Maybe not a good choice like i thought.
I watched finished Chaos;Head. For me, i think it was bad, "real" bad (no pun intended because part of its story was based on delusions). I think it was bad because after watching it my head was full of question marks, i don't know what's happening, i don't know why that thing has happened because of that event, and i am not too sure if the production team did made attempts to explain clearly all the difficult concepts like matter, anti-matter, Dirac sea and other mechanics and pseudo-science to the layman who might not want to use their brain juice or doing some sort of academic examinations at the comfort of their own room/house.
As such, i won't be able to properly do a summary of Chaos;Head anime, especially when i seem to have stopped using my brain properly ever since A levels ended.
(So go try watching this if you think you are up for a challenge.)
Anyway, this was an adaptation from a visual novel, and i might understand more if i play it since it's hard to squeeze all the content into a 12 or 13 episodes of an anime season.
Ok never mind, cos for some reason i feel really, really depressed. Because of watching such a series? Yeah maybe i should have stopped and never touch those kinds of anime again.
Oh well, next to watch would be Shingetsutan Tsukihime. Opps, this is a mystery/psychological/horror themed anime as well. :/
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Friday, February 4, 2011 ' 4:10 AM
On a slightly similar context as the second last paragraph of the previous post, it's worth noting once again that pap kinda likes to play dirty huh - they have the media under their control, they have the famiLee in charge of important organisations, e.g. Ho Jinx.... oh sorry spelled wrongly.... Ho Ching as head of Temasek Holdings who is known to have lost billions in investments recently but has stakes over Singtel plus many others, and it is also not exaggerating to have the feeling that the law court would give face to the pap judging from past record.
Impressive. No wonder some call this the Lee dynasty.
Ok ok anyways, happy Lunar New Year.
As usual, relatives (from the mother side) came over to my house for house visit. To a little extent, i kinda dread this, NOT because of that me being a stereotypical youngster will be hating tradition, but because though i am not the only one at home i still feel the pressure of being a good host, especially since i am not really good at talking. It feels weird, as it meant that half the time i was sitting at one corner looking lost. But thankfully my elder brother's room is like a semi-exhibition room of Japanese anime and game with 3 glass cabinets and 2 tables of figurines, and walls with posters, and plus on his computer desk there is an outstanding Hirasawa Yui figurine which i think it was 1/8 scale of life-size. These are either imported from Japan or bought there directly while he was visiting Japan. To summarise, he's the real deal, and i'll leave it to him when the relatives start to feel bored.
After that, the younger ones including me went to T3 to chill till a few hours past midnight, talked about lots of stuff, which i'll probably talk about in the next post.
Yeah probably.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 ' 11:01 PM
Cool. Our very own LKY has published his new book, "Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going."
""Hard truths"". Hmm subjective.
Ahhh "subjective"... i haven't used this word for quite some time already.
Obviously don't expect LKY to get arrested for expressing his opinions "candidly", as compared to Mr. Alan Shadrake.
Well, when you're the king, of course you can say, do, and earn whatever you want. I guess he still deserves my respect (and maybe a little admiration) for being able to climb to such a position of control, (and probably, if my retarded ambitious desires continue to grow i might even want to become a "king" too on top of many others including fighter jet pilot heh lol).
This isn't the first time LKY and company said something that is "potentially divisive", now particularly among racial lines. Heck, just drop off that "potentially" word there.
Extracted 2 lines from LKY's book:
"Malays would never close the gap in educational attainments with the Indians and Chinese, 'because as they improve, the others also improve'."
"Multi-racialism in Singapore was progressing very nicely until the surge of Islam came."
That 3 convicted racist bloggers whom many amateurs like to mention clichely in their arguments must be feeling damn pek chek eh.
What about me? Well now and recently i have avoided making subtly racist remarks (against malays) , but very long time ago my peers like to refer to me as being (just a little) "racist".
But then the "very very slightly racist" old me (yeah take note of the word "old") can't even match up to the "king" 's level.
I probably have lots to learn from this "master".
And i question his son LHL's intentions when he didn't go agree with the king when LHL is asked for his response to the king's opinions.
Anyway, seems like general elections is gonna be pushed back to a later date by the regime. Hopefully by then some of us won't get "bribed" by whatever budget scheme (or "package", lol) the regime has to flash us with once every 5 years to keep them in power.
Why did i say "some of us"?
Probably because the men-in-whites seem to be counting on new citizens here from china and other countries for significant amount of votes, and soon they (and PRs) are gonna make up way more than half the population here.
Ok lol more importantly, it's because i have my own views, i express it here to try to get you, the reader, to understand, but i don't expect (or force through various means) the reader to completely take my stand as you have your own views as well regardless of source of information.
And anyway, if you were to ask me on the spot why i am so disgusted with a certain political party, i won't be able to reply you instantly, or even half an hour later, with a satisfying standard of argument with credibility, since as with a general paper essay (which i like to take much more time than given to write to the best of my abilities), it needs time. (Lol bad excuse.)
And so that's why i write it here, albeit with obvious lower standards and it being more emotion-filled than an essay, and with abrupt conclusions and endings as well.
Oh yeah, if we are fortunate enough to deny the pap of total control of parliament in the elections, don't worry, your parents won't lose their jobs if they are civil servants or are working for any organisation affiliated with the pap, because if so, then it would be corruption and blackmail already.
Oh yeah, if want to be corrupted, why not just follow the men-in-whites' example and do it openly and bluff the public that it is wrong for politicians to serve the people through their true heart and compassion instead of petty monetary salary and benefits.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 ' 11:11 PM
I think.... i am getting old already.
First, my hearing. It's getting hard to focus to hear a person speaking in a crowded place. I haven't been blasting music or continually increasing the volume to a satisfactory level (which is a warning sign), and i abandoned my headphones a long time ago.
But i have this serious bout of heavy runny nose. The mucus was much more thicker than usual (you probably might mistake it as someting else lol) , and i guess the nasal cavity and all that tunnel they are connected, are they? And one thing affects another. I hope it will really get better and not worse. ....Eh... what's the point of this paragraph? Hmm i guess i just wanna say that line in the parenthesis heh.
Second, i don't feel myself having a lot of energy lately. As compared to some weeks ago, my energy level now is like meh.
I guess i am really bored with my current warehouse job. It's not really that physically tiring as what i had expected, but the boredom is really there.
Plus the colleague who tells me what to do everyday in the warehouse is a malaysian chinese, so i sometimes have a hard time understanding what instruction he is giving. But hey, this time round, i am somewhat the one at fault though, because after 2-3 weeks i still can't get used to it.
The funny or sad thing is that, i feel i am subconsciously trying to match the accent of the person i am replying to. Well, since i said it's subconsciously i won't know for sure, but i really hope the accent DOES disappear, or if not, let me have full control over hong kong, china, ang moh, malay and malaysian chinese accent and then this will be a real talent.
I have (a few) people asking me if i am from china. One said (in china chinese) ,"Where's your hometown?" And the new permanent assistant joining the warehouse who is a malaysian chinese, asked me whether i was from msia as well.
Damn it.
Eh, so i guess i need to watch even more Japanese anime from now on. I'd prefer Japanese.
Oh, and i had deviated from explaining why i said i am feeling old.
Oh well, i am tired.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 ' 9:32 PM
I love audio in lossless format!
Oh wait, i am not exactly sure if my ears can differentiate between lossless .FLAC/ .tta , and lossy 320kbps .mp3 and 128kbps .mp3.
But by now my ears should be very familiar with lossless audio since from a long time ago i started listening in that format on my Altec Lansing speakers.
Anyways, i had downloaded Touhou doujin albums sold at Comiket 79, and they are all in .tta lossless, so they take up quite some space.
(And of course i feel a little guilty as well. I am gonna go visit Japan and really buy the albums (and many of other things) instead, in about, eh, 3 to 5 years time?)
And i love the sweet and high-pitched voices of songs from certain music circles in .... erm, lossless format.
...Yeah i am still, still wondering if i can really differentiate lossless from lossy audio. Probably it has got to do with my speakers, since a lossy 192kbps .mp3 song sounds (a bit) "out of place" or grainy.
In the end, it might all be some placebo/psychological effect, since i already knew beforehand what format it is in.
Same explanation (roughly) applies to skincare/healthcare products.
The normal consumer doesn't always at least take A level Biology or even O level still (and to some extent, Chemistry). Most of us don't know what exactly that cream or tablet is doing for and to our body, or its mechanism, or if its advertised effects are a well-concealed scam. (Applies to us who are taking Biology also.)
And so today the news reported that, according to a scientific research and study which i think is British, those collagen-containing products don't work; they don't help much in regenerating whatever things that they are marketed to do, including applying on the skin or taken orally as the collagen protein can't really penetrate into the skin and will also be broken down into amino acids if taken orally.
Heh i knew this is coming (though it's a bit late for me to claim this victory about suspecting this lol, and of course you guys and gals won't believe i had actually suspected collagen products from a long time ago when i learnt about collagen in biology) though it could be common sense as well.
I wonder if this is gonna destroy the market for products marketing what producers and consumers want collagen to do.
I guess..... not.
And probably those skincare products which boasted about using "gene science" will sooner or later be down as well, since in my opinion if nucleic acids can be so easily manipulated especially on the outside then all the problems and limitations of gene therapy treating tricky diseases like CF would not exist as well. Besides if these products were to really work, then we (or I) gotta start worrying about them affecting our own DNA and RNA in our body and causing cancer and other problems.
Though L'Oreal, from what i had read last time, seem to be safe from legal complaints about misleading information, since their ads mentioned " "INSPIRED" by genetic science/technology", and doesn't have to involve genetic concepts itself. Nice. Nice... inspiration.
Then again, if one is very rich then i really don't care whether he/she spends tonnes of money on them.
And then again, if one has money to throw away, then why not give it to me huh. I want money to..... hmm let's see, i want money to get a violin and take violin classes.
Point your cursor and click on that link above. (Sorry that you might have to click back and forward since this blog's template doesn't allow right-clicks to open a new tab)
A little example about the unawesome smear campaign by our unawesome dominant political party in democr.... oh sorry i was about to type democratic society, but then technically we aren't.
A little example, also , about why we should read newspapers:
It's because we have to be wary about what some editors at our one and only sole PAP-affiliated press could be writing about us, especially if there are inaccuracies, with whatever agenda they might have.
If, touchwood, something were to happened to me, if possible, i probably wouldn't say a word to any pesky reporters or ask anyone to represent me, especially if i don't belong to any relevant organisation. I would smile and even show a peace sign, i won't let them have a chance to take a mug shot or a face with a defeated expression and publish it in the propaganda to smear me and mislead the daft public.
(In fact, the disgraced monk Ming Yi could be commendable to a little extent, as he managed to maintained a smile all that time after court sessions while reporters are busy taking a snap of his face, but then again, we have to be reminded to be VERY, VERY careful when handling funds)
More "government bashing":
Recently the PAP took a "tough stance" towards WikiLeaks, as quoted from the link in MSN Today. The headline said, "Don't try a WikiLeaks here, says govt."
Lol losers. In my viewpoint as a common citizen, a government who has to do such things to avoid being "exposed" resembles some sort of loser especially when the government isn't transparent already. What kinds of secrets, badmouthing, backstabbing or any other things things said behind the very citizens, whom a democratic government is accountable to, are being hidden away? If the ministers and representatives are afraid of what they said being revealed to the public, then why even say it in the first place?
Pretty dishonest aren't they.
The article even quoted a certain minister that it'll be bad if the things leaked are "taken out of context".
Oh..... Oh wait, didn't Singapore's 'awesome' judiciary some time ago took some sentences "out of context" from Alan Shadrake's book "Once a Jolly Hangman" and went to charge him as well?
('Awesome' judiciary because the very same judiciary system that Mr. Shadrake criticised in his book went to hear him guilty about contempt of court from the book. Not funny.)
And that article in that MSN Today link ends with a line a minister (i think it was Mr Yeo) said, that the things leaked are inaccurate.
Oh ok loh.
(Dealing with) men-in-whites is like talking to dead people.
It would be fun to see that quote above being copyrighted or licensed or something. Hehe.
Point and click on that link above. Seems like we Singaporeans are getting more and more like 3rd-Class citizens in our own land.
Oh wait, technically we citizens don't own the land; the government forced citizens to sell it in the past in the Land Acquisition Act at dirt-cheap prices, only to sell it at skyrocket prices now by trying to scam us by from time to time saying misleading non-layman terms to the daft public.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Sunday, January 9, 2011 ' 4:06 PM
And so, i received a edusave merit bursary today. A $400 cheque.
Plus another one i received last year and an extra Eagles award for year 2010 of $150 or $200 i'm not sure i haven't went to collect it yet, it makes a total of $950 to $1000.
So, it can be said that my "salary" earned for this roughly 2 years of jc is a thousand bucks. Hmm. Miserable wage especially when we take a look at the packed curriculum of a junior college.... but wait, i am getting conceited here but it seems a little not difficult to get ranked top 25%, i am even a little surprised when i know i will received this merit bursary.... maybe i am the last few to squeeze in.
Hmm maybe i am boasting too much here already.
(And speaking about wage, mainstream media (MSM) kept harping about "amazing" GDP growth, but the average Singaporean's wage are sliding down. Don't the men-in-whites learn that GDP is not a good indicator about economic progress and level of development of the country? Oh yeah, the average Singaporean who don't take jc economics or social engineering don't know. Yeah if import 5 billion foreigners into Sinkapore then confirm GDP will grow by 3258% loh. And lol the bullshit that the MSM churned out that "Singapore's judiciary system is top in a global survey", while leaving out the fact that we are only top in 2 out of 8 factors, and in other factors, Singapore scored real bad. Link-> (point it and the cursor will show, and click it)
Anyway, last time, probably in secondary school times and sometimes in jc, i thought the adults don't understand how we students are being stressed out with studies, grades, discipline masters, bullies, gangsters, fitting in etc; it sucked to be studying, working seems to be better. And the adults kept telling us, "You, as a student, just have to study hard, that's all, simple as that." I ignored that advice to some extent.
But now, after i had spent some time working, i actually preferred studying instead (or maybe it's just me lol) , as compared to the boring or repetitive and sometimes technical work, where the boss/manager wants to see productivity, and plus i witnessed some minor politics/backstabbing and so i have to be nice, make sure and pray hard i won't become a victim.
And at least when studying there are many subjects to choose what to study for the moment, so not as boring, and while teachers kept saying "no more spoonfeeding" they are (mostly, though) actually worrying a lot about us and doing what they can to help us.
And there is also the advice from some old co-workers in that delivery job i took recently, to "Study hard, you're given the opportunity, if not you'll end up like us."
This time round, despite saying this a lot of times, i really regret not adding that extra push while studying in the past.
I think i am gonna cry or jump down the building when i get my A level results weeks later.
Anyway, back to that edusave merit bursary ceremony today. The wait from after registration to the actual receiving of the cheque itself is kinda long, but i had experienced worst waits and stoning (in that customer profile surveyor job i had, 4 hours times 2 days).
So i went to look around. I was kinda surprised to see, among many other things, females not outnumbering males. Surprised because there seems to be the trend that girls are better academically than guys, and are getting even better as time passes.
.....then again, this is so far only what i see here, in this residential area.
So, why do females seem smarter than males?
(I write "seem" because being good in studies doesn't always equate to being smart, then again, being smart allows one to be good in studies)
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Sunday, January 2, 2011 ' 9:34 PM
And so, another year has officially passed.
2 to 3 months to knowing A level results and despair.
4 more months to NS and knowing what being treated like a dog is like.
1 more year to knowing whether the thing about the world ending in 2012 is another marketing strategy and superstition or not.
3 more years to knowing what true freedom is like after ORD from NS, assuming apocalypse didn't arrive in the previous 2 years.
Anyway, in this previous half a month in December i had worked in a total of 4 different jobs, and earned about $700. I think i am pretty satisfied with this amount of cash and exposure. All these 4 jobs, flyer distributor, Giant mascot guy, delivery attendant and lastly customer profile surveyor (a.ka. SPY!! Standing outside a rival shop of the client for 4 whole hours and writing down race, estimated age etc and after that doing the shit work of manually collating and counting into categories), are temporary, and i'll be going for another new one tomorrow.
Talk about monday blues man.
That new job tomorrow is just some warehouse job, nothing exciting. And it will definitely be tiring unlike the previous 4 jobs. But i accepted it from the recruiting company (quite an efficient one, it introduced me 3 jobs including this one), since i don't want the trouble to wait and spam resumes for another job again.
But if i can have the choice, i wanna work in SPH and see how things work there if possible. Hehe.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Friday, December 24, 2010 ' 8:02 PM
By chance, i happened to chance upon in Youtube some Touhou BGM remixes done with erhu with an orchestra.
OMG i had discovered gems!! Awesome, and some of them are even touching as well. And yes, for some reason listening to these music that i had just found made me smile too.
And so..... here comes me daydreaming about learning a musical instrument (that i like to listen to). But judging from my current circumstances, like time and a little gaming addiction and etc, i don't think i can even start picking up one.
But some time ago i checked briefly, and it seems that there's a second-hand violin that costs around $80, though someting tells me it's no good buying that (especially since i am not quite familiar with its pricing) even if i am already working.
Anyways, this season's currently airing animes are all gonna end (at least, for all the 12-episodes ones), and the next season of new ones are arriving. Well i am excited about what kind of new shows will be airing, but at the same time i am also feeling sad that the animes that i had enjoyed for the last 3 months are gonna be gone. You know, there's always the "NOOO~ I WANT THE NEXT SEASON NOW!!!" when the last episode came.
Good things will eventually come to an end huh. Well, fair enough, since it's also no good to drag the story, unless when the storyboard writers do not stop their flow of new, fresh, interesting and funny ideas.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Thursday, December 23, 2010 ' 8:48 PM
Well, the mascot job for Giant supermarket is finally finished last sunday. This job, maybe i can say, is both bad and good.
Bad: Sian the "supervisor" (inverted commas because i don't know what to address him as) sponsored my taxi fare and told me to bring back home the mascot and bring to the next location at the next shift or on the next day, by myself. Yeah free taxi home, but i gotta carry this big heavy red bag containing the mascot costume parts and another trolley bag containing the air pumper and misc things. Then got one time the balloon pumper told me to carry along another rather big cardboard box of sweets and chocolates, and bring to the next location. D:
Ok loh got taxi, if i don't bring along who can?
But the journey to the supermarket there itself from the taxi fare is still a bit sian, with and without that extra box.
That time when i was going to the Giant at Sembawang shopping centre basement, i was carrying the large red bag of mascot costume, pulling the trolley bag and struggling with that cardboard box all at one time.
And all the people i walked passed or who are around me just stared, stared and stared, and after that still want to look some more, but don't wanna bother offering any help to me.
I don't have any reindeers that Mr. Santa have, neither do i have a third arm, or tentacles or psychokinesis powers, it would be hard to think i can manage properly.
Ok loh, typical and standard singaporeans. So i just banged my way through, and knocked people here and there when they didn't respond to my "Ooi excuse me". And i was kinda in a bad mood too already.
Actually i am quite okay with doing these shit work assigned to me, but when i see all the people there only stared at me (and blocked my way some more) then i feel a little pissed.
Maybe, we won't offer help to strangers probably because,
1. Fear of rejection- many people like to say "Mind your own business lah, and don't interrupt."
2. Scared getting into unnecessary trouble- it isn't going to be funny when someone helps but he breaks things, or, later stock check then find out something missing then troublesome already.
3. People's mindset of :"Lololol i also won't gain any benefit and not paid, help for what? Some more he is stranger lehxxxx. And my mama always tell me don't talk to strangers or take their sweets alsoooo."
And despite the bad things (plus some other misc. ones not mentioned), there are probably many good things about this job.
Well, for the 4 days of work, there are different ladies coming, dressed up as female santa and helped gave out balloons and sweets as well.
It seems from what i see, it could be that they might be models being called to come down for some extra work for cash. (One of them, i think, have similar height as i do or a bit shorter...YEAAAAHHHHHH!)
2. Break time
Awesome since every 30min in mascot i have 15min break, and this 15min no one kept track of time for me to tell me it's time to come out of the break room. (means i can cheat, but of course i didn't, since i am Jackson, and half the time i came out even only when 8min had passed...)
So it's like, an hour's wage feels way more than the stated $7. (break time didn't minus the wage)
3. Assume a different persona
I would be called a weirdo, or a pedophile even, if i acted like i do in a mascot costume but didn't wear the mascot. LOL.
Anyway, i probably wouldn't ever, in my lifetime, be that lovable and well-liked without that mascot costume, and also wouldn't be able to make so many children and parents smile and happy as well.
AND PLUS without it, i won't get to camwhore with so many people also since i ain't a celebrity or a Korean.
4. Experience
I have about 4 more months before i go waste my life and become a dog for 2 years, i.e. go army.
So i want to try out as many different kinds of jobs as i can in this period of time, and partly for fun as well.
(And since after NS, jumping careers in the workforce probably won't be well-liked by employers as it shows that one isn't committed.)
That said, i still hope that my contract for my current delivery attendant job will be extended, as it will end at the end of this month.
In this job, i am quite clumsy and blur (expected), screw up many times and the main driver had to tell me what to do, kinda disappointed in myself sometimes, but then still, i get to spend a little less than half the time travelling and resting in the lorry.
But if it won't get extended, i wonder what's the next kind of job i will go try.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Friday, December 17, 2010 ' 11:17 PM
Heh just when i thought i won't gonna do any flyers anymore, i just remembered that i'd agreed to do another flyers job at next month, many weeks ago. But it is to give out to filipino/indonesian maids who are waiting to pick up schoolkids after school. Hmm.
But still, so far i haven't receive any word from the person who offered me this job.
And speaking of flyers, i am reminded of how much i acted like a pseudo-Japanese, bowing while giving the flyers to people. I wonder if this gesture would make people more inclined to take the flyer.
Well, anyway, sometimes, i wished i had started working when i was still 16 waiting for O level results. Doing jobs will be quite an eye-opener and the experiences while doing them can prove to be valuable. And who knows, if i already had job back then then i would had been more motivated to put in much more effort to chiong for A levels.
The adults told me during my current driver assistant job, that earning money is hard. And i experienced it first-hand recently. And they told me, study hard; if you don't, you would end up in such back-breaking jobs and you'll regret.
And yes, gotta emphasise again, earning money is hard and likely i'll really think twice before splurging money.
Ok so when's my paycheck for doing those flyer jobs coming?? They better not cheat me of my imba services.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Thursday, December 16, 2010 ' 10:56 PM
So yesterday i did another flyer job, probably the last one i'll ever gonna do in this period of time.
A little sick of this job already, even though i only had 3 days of flyers job.
The first 2 days are at Nex Mall in front of the citigems store itself, so not bad. But yesterday's location was really bad. It was at tampines mrt.
Irritating place.
I tried to give out near tampines One area, but the security guard chased me off. Then i see the mrt stairs that got 3 other flyer giver. Sian.
Then still got bonus, that grumpy old woman selling tissue and that grumpy old man playing that flute or whatever instrument it is shoo-ed me away from their spot. Ok, fair enough.
So i go a corner loh, facing the the shuttle bus spot. But it seems i still give the flyers out even faster than the other 3.
AND PLUS I STILL GET TALENT-SPOTTED 2 TIMES. YEAh!!!! "Talent-spotted" means people come forward to me and ask whether i want work for them after seeing my imba flyer giving attitude.
This adds to another one when i was at Nex Mall. Hehehehe.
But NS is a damnation.
So today i went for a very slack job. I don't mind the pay at $6 per hour. Just sitting in the logistics lorry for half the time, wait for the lorry to reach its destination, then help the driver unload the load with the pallet jack, which sometimes is too heavy for me though.
But since i am new, the driver still has to do some of the things by himself unfortunately.
So overall, the actual working hour is very short, and i still get the pay. Nice. And the pallet jack is kinda fun to learn how to use, seriously.
But later on after today, i must really get used to my job role already and not be a liability.
Positive work attitude is the way to go. Cuz usually for this kind of job, those men in their 50s will be doing it, and here i am, taking their rice bowl away (temporary) especially since the salary i earn is just for some extra money for personal use.
Which means i must work really hard.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 ' 6:27 PM
This recent period of time was damn tiring and could be considered hectic.
After prom night the next day onwards i went to see internet classified job ads and went to spam my CV to each and every job offer that i think i can manage.
But i sent it to all those admin and data entry ones (about 20-30, yeah serious) but only 1 gave me a call to say they'll submit my CV to their client and tell me results next day but that one the next day also no news at all from them.
Seems like these jobs are in hot demand eh damn you people.
But i managed to get a flyer distributor job and a mascot job, yes you didn't see wrongly, a mascot job, you know, wear a stuff animal costume and entertain irritating kids.
Well the flyers job ain't that special or spectacular, so i decided to make it less boring and went to "actively" give them out. It's not much, but i think that if i just stand at one spot giving flyers out, many people will just ignore you, plus stand there see people walk past also very boring.
When i am doing this job itself, somehow i feel i should really appreciate it when next time i see people giving flyers to me.
And by "actively", i meant walking around to pass them the flyers, and not forgetting to smile as sincerely as i can, and saying thanks when they accept it.
I got to see all kinds of people, some would politely reject and smile at you even if you had approached them more than twice, some would only smile when you smile at them while giving, and some would give you jiao bin and ignore you, plus saying a "Go Away" before they go.
For the last kind of people, i seriously wanted to give them a bitch-slap.
And for the mascot job, it was to wear the Giant supermarket mascot, the green dinosaur one. Last saturday was at tampines Giant, and sunday was at Jurong IMM Giant and Vivo. Next saturday at Parkway Parade and sunday at some other location i forgot.
I thought wearing the mascot was a fun job, but no. When wearing the head, my vision is limited. And it's kinda hot inside. But all these i can tahan, if only the velcro to hold the mascot dress together isn't loose and needs to be re-velcro-ed every 10 minutes or so. It's super irritating, my movement is restricted to not open the velcro accidentally, and more importantly, my shirt is exposed when the velcro is open and when people see it, the entertainment value drops as they are reminded that there's a person inside and will remember that this green dinosaur they see is actually a human. It seems obvious, but think it as, a stranger and a furry cute green dinosaur, which one would you actually go hug?
But a more irritating thing, is this kid on saturday. He kept bugging and bugging me for the whole duration when i was in the mascot. Yes all the time, 8 hours in total. Imagine this same irritating hyperactive kid sticking along with you, asking stupid questions every half minute and keep asking you to do stupid things that you can't do in a mascot with a loose velcro.
He needs a bitch slap as well. But of course, i've got to be all friendly and lively.
(On a side note, i find it interesting that my mood and personality, especially after work, is the direct polar opposite of how i am when giving flyers and being a mascot.)
But on other times, i see that i am actually bringing smiles to both the children and their parents, so it's a good thing though.
Anyways, yesterday i almost got tricked into joining a multi-level marketing scheme. It's a company called Premier Pure. And i felt scammed, i thought i actually got a real job, but turns out when i get there, it's not an interview, it's a talking session by some girl who's very good at talking and explaining the structure of the promotion system and boasting about how much one can earn if he/she join, but she can't beat my intelligence though. I noticed she skillfully side-tracked every time i ask her about specific details about this scheme.
But i saw a schoolmate as well, and by pure chance, we were together when the mlm agent was trying to sweettalk us into it.
I kinda felt i have a duty to warn her about mlm, and today i came down hoping that i will meet her, but i didn't see her.
I guess she, as well, didn't give in to her greed and join them.
Damn it. I want a stable admin/data entry job with nice salary. But they are selling like hotcakes.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Sunday, December 5, 2010 ' 9:07 PM
Just now i bought a Sunday Times to check out the classifieds to try my luck to find a job opening in it.
And the first article i saw on the headline was "Singapore is 'happiest place in Asia'".
Nice article during this time when elections are not so far away.
Whether this really qualifies as a headline or not is very questionable in the midst of other more important things concerning the world and bigger countries unlike this oh so awesome little red dot Singapore.
Well, of course "happiest" or not, it's subjective, and the person who said that it is the happiest place here is an American author. How long did this American author stay here anyway? 2 trips each 4 weeks, 1 year apart between the 2 trips. He said he had relied on data on 3 surveys and had spoken to many known people including, well, LKY, social scientists, politicians, comedians etc. Fair enough. But as if he can get the complete picture in just 2 months.
Lots of interesting points here.
What correlate with happiness on a worldwide scale are tolerance, status equality, security, trust, access to recreation and financial security..... Unemployment is low, home ownership is high.
Wait wait wait. Most singaporeans do not own homes. HDBs are leased from the government for 99 years. Besides housing prices are high now. You'd need to pay for 30 whole years with a double income husband and wife to completely pay off the housing debt.
Status equality, unemployment and the rest? Nah. 1. Look at Singapore's Gini coefficient. 2. Look at what the politicians (and some elites) are paying themselves. 3. Trust? yeah loh trust the propaganda and the foreigners. 4. My complaint points won't stop at point 4.
Okay Asia's pretty small. So if compared to others here then okay loh. Ultimately it is an opinion (not an established proven fact) of a US correspondent in Washington with reference to a US author, and this opinion somehow gets into the front page and headlines.
A side note, what i want is not a single party dominance ruling in singapore. I want productive and intelligent debate in parliament consisting of many parties.
So please do not say Singapore will fall without the Pro-Alien Party. (Besides, our own forefathers, not only PAP, are the ones who had built Singapore to this day)
Don't forget a government can actually have not just one party you know.
One more thing. Opposition parties and political websites do in fact have solutions instead of only complaining like i do here.
Okok i think i'll stop here. I kinda got rusty in expository writing after the A levels ended.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Saturday, December 4, 2010 ' 11:01 PM
I went prom clothes hunting today. (And i feel bad for turning down and not joining another group of friends for the same objective today.)
More or less done. The clothes didn't go as the way i wanted. Well you know, being me, i'd like to go for the special ones, since after all, wearing clothes is generally about expressing yourself and attracting the attention of others to look at your statement.
I wanted to do a "male" version of Flandre Scarlet, but a red vest and a matching shade of red pants is real, real hard to find.
She's a girl (age 495, vampire, kept locked in the mansion basement because of mental instability and insane destructive power, but she probably might be a shut-in instead) , so of course i can't find a "manly" picture of her easily.
But the colour theme is similar, red vest, white shirt, yellow tie and red pants. Simple enough, apparently. And i like red.
Unfortunately, can't find them.
I'd have to go for those standard prom glam ones. Sian.
I found a nice blazer which has similar theme as the "hot guys" in the anime Vampire Knight (i didn't watch it, but i have some idea what it is). It's seriously cool. But it's unsuitably short for me, even for XXL. I guess it's got some disadvantage being tall.
And really only left those boring sets that everybody else wears. I don't really like them, but i don't wanna waste my friends' time being wishy-washy, so i just went for someting simple.
But it's okay. The important part is about spending time with them, especially since school ended and we won't get to see each other that easily.
On a side note, Far East Plaza (and Bugis St.) aren't that really nice to get nice clothes for me. Can't find special or different ones from normal shops and malls in other town area.
I seriously want to get that pair of pants below left:
(Fan artwork, same person but different style/persona, name Kazami Yuuka)
My obsession with dressing dissimilarly with the crowd might be excessive, i won't deny that, but i thought probably i should put in more thought into it and make full use of my creativity.
Lol but of course i don't know if i have as much creativity as artistic or musical people since again, i have zero art and music proficiency, but who knows with those nonsensical lame stuff i say from time to time, i might have just a little.
Anyway, went to the arcade later. At first it was just a suggestion to go try out the Dance Dance Revolution game machine (you know the 4 arrows, up down left right stepping according to the arrows on the screen and following the music) there, but we really went to try it out.
I got experience playing the Playstation version with controllers, so i tried first before one of my friends joined me for 2 player game. The first time was more of a warm-up i guess. Using controller is way, way different from using my own legs.
I can't achieve perfect score even for simple ones. :(
But i guess it was better after that, i managed to make them say "Wah master !!" when we play "La Senorita", though i know i aren't that good, lots of misses at the front which is of course bad for a song like this, though i managed to buck up at the later end because i am a little frustrated lol.
But overall, it's damn fun (and tiring, hehe almost puked out the nice Quiznos sub i ate before that.)
I think i seem to have found a new interest for this holiday. This is a good workout opportunity; i don't like to go out jogging on the streets or go to the gym.
But it could be costly. :(
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Friday, December 3, 2010 ' 11:18 AM
And so the A levels are officially over yesterday. The unofficial one is last week after the chemistry mcq.
Cambridge rocks at exam date planning. The mcqs nice nice have to be at the very last end of the exam, and the biology one had to have a long gap between our 2nd last paper, and some of us might be torn between celebrating and studying for the mcq during that gap. Just a random thought, why are the mcqs called paper 1 when it is the last paper out of 3 to be taken?
But of course who knows Cambridge might have some rationale behind it like allocating that 40 marks to those that have the discipline to endure the temptation to study for it. Still, they could also just be plain lazy. D:
Anyways, i recently turned 18 and can officially drink alcohol, though i can't "officially" enter a sex shop (selling adult toys, kinky stuff etc.) yet. I asked the shopkeeper there in one shop and she said the minimum age is 21.... WHY NOT 18????
I am not sure what's the difference that this 3 years can give, particularly with reference to buying stuff from sex shops. But i acknowledge that the "slippery slope" argument might roughly apply here, i.e. "if 21 why not 20 and half, and why not 20, then why not 19, or 18, 17, 16, 15, 14.......
We are often packaged as "young adults" and told that we should now already be responsible for what we do. I guess this "young" word is some nice qualifier, but i am not complaining about anything though.
Take note, "i am not complaining about anything".
But of course some of us are clearly not behaving as a young adult. I won't be bitching about here, i'd just say, i guess there are lots of kinds of people out there.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Sunday, November 28, 2010 ' 1:32 AM
Tidbit of the day: "Doraemon" is in fact, pronounced as dough-rah-ei-mon instead of dough-ray-mon. "-rah-" can be substituted for "la" for more accuracy, since it is Japanese. And for those who are uninformed, Doraemon is a Japanese show, just that it got dubbed to many different languages.
But the thing is, i often get ignored when i say "dough-rah-ei-mon" instead of "dough-ray-mon" in the past. Ignored here means it's as if i didn't say anything at all, and no one seems to hear it, and no one gives me any response. Even a -.- counts as a response, which is also not shown when i pronounce it properly.
But hey, i often get ignored this way in other scenarios as well.
It's about time i get used to it, for real.
Useful insights to learn from here? Not much. Just that communication between persons is basically not just one-sided and it's probably more effective to engage the recipient rather than to be self-centered, obviously.
That said, a look at previous blog posts could possibly hint of much self-centeredness though. Or do they?
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Saturday, November 27, 2010 ' 1:10 AM
Before i received that NS letter beckoning me to go for their compulsory torture (figuratively) starting 6 May, i had already knew about my this enlistment date (through the NS web portal).
But somehow the arrival of this letter itself still made me feel sian on the spot.
Girls are lucky. They don't have to go through this shit; we waste 2 years getting treated like dogs plus all the cumulative periods of reservice training till we reach late middle-age; we waste an extra year if our ORD is past the university enrolment period (if i am not wrong); we as Singaporean guys who get wasted by NS lose our "comparative advantage" because we lost these precious amount of time and there is also the job disruption from reservice, and employers won't be happy about it.
But of course, i am not a girl, i won't be able to fully grasp what kind of "shit" girls go through that will compromise their welfare or financial security.
But ok loh NS is for defending our country and our family (and friends) mah, so responsibility loh. We are Singaporeans so bo bian.
For now, i doubt a war in our soil will be imminent seriously, even with Malaysia, since we have our almighty government to count on for diplomacy. Besides, a war isn't going to be cheap and for pragmatic governments or political parties, they will put in an even extra more effort to avoid it.
(And don't label me as being "complacent" please.)
But when the time comes, and if i can make a choice or am forced to, i am defending *only* family, friends and Singaporeans.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Thursday, November 25, 2010 ' 12:03 AM
It was a long and arduous battle with the A levels during the past few weeks. And now, the only remnant of it left is the Biology mcq a couple of days later. But the probability of me emerging victorious is quite unlikely. I think i do have some decent memory power, but i don't think i can remember myself studying and working hard to prepare for the big As according to the plans and schedules i had set for myself from each day before.
Well, anyways, before the exams (almost) ended, i have quite a considerable amount of inspiration to blog. But after that, which is now, as the academic stress is gone, so is the inspiration.
I'd probably be having an unhealthy lifestyle now onwards just like the period after O levels, you know like cooping myself at home eating instant noodles everyday for lunch, skipping breakfast, living the nocturnal life, and having my eyes fixated at the cathode ray tube screen.
But i don't want that. I need some healthy sources of activity to channel my energy to.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Saturday, November 20, 2010 ' 9:08 AM
Contrary to popular beliefs, Japan, with its rather very "open" media content if you get what i mean, has a low rate of rape per capita (or crime in general) as compared to other countries (and i'd have to try hard to stop myself from saying "compared ESPECIALLY TO THE UNITED STATES") .
Before alleging that watching porn, graphic or not, will lead to rape, one would have to think more than twice, seriously.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Friday, November 19, 2010 ' 8:38 PM
Nope that wasn't any moan or anything like that, but that was a sigh of relief. Econs was kinda unnerving. Glad it's over. Maybe because of the kind of subject it is. Memorise and memorise but at the same time apply to real world and use common sense and logic, and then write long long paragraphs of nonsense.
But i read somewhere that econs is a rather 'versatile' subject, where you can either deal with it with a "science" mind or an "arts" mind.
Well it doesn't matter anymore now.
My mind needs a rest.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Kenneth Lin speaks at SDP rally
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 ' 9:19 PM
Nice. I hope someone will protect this promising young man from the evil clutches from some men in white, especially against LEEbel.
His speech resonated pretty well with me.
I get perplexed responses from people when i told them that The Temasek Review is a non-propaganda socio-political website for knowing especially about the current affairs of Singapore whose contents are unadulterated (and containing intelligent articles that mostly proves our generic argument from General Paper that the new media is unreliable wrong) unlike our sole state-controlled mainstream media like The Stra*ts T*mes. Responses include," yeah.... non-propaganda..."
And no, "The Temasek Review" i am talking about here is not referring to some annual report, from the notorious loser (both literally and figuratively) Temasek Holdings, which nobody knows about.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 ' 6:26 PM
And yes my prediction made on yesterday's post was right. Fat hope that i'll be able to ace it.
Be careful of what you wished for. I wished for the Cambridge papers to be difficult, difficult as in no matter how much one mugs or studies, it won't give them any extra advantage.
It'll be a little bad if they were easy. It'll be quite disastrous when we screw it up and lose to everybody else who are able to do it easily.
And today's Chemistry paper 2 and last week's paper 3 was difficult as almost how i want it to be. ( or rather, perverse because for e.g., the second question is worth 22 marks, and if you don't know what's going on, your whole question is screwed.)
But i have second thoughts. Somehow, they had worsened my depression and made me feel defeated.
Exams aside, there's a rise in gang and youth related violent crimes and slashings recently.
So, whatever happened to that super low crime rate and super safe environment and "World-Class" Everything that the state-controlled media boasted so much about?
The PAP spent $10 million on "foreign integration" but zero on local integration. And when they say "foreign integration", it is quite fishy itself. Why spent so much to "integrate" foreigners into Singapore society when there are other higher priorities concerning our very own people?
Ex home affairs minister Wong Kan Seng (who did a rather unintelligent experiment and) claimed that Singaporeans are complacent. Yeah right. Of course he wouldn't look at himself or his party to blame.
Don't push everything to Singaporeans. And neither should we push it to PRs and foreigners - obviously we can't expect them to have much allegiance or sense of belonging and community to our nation, and we can't force them to.
And with so much foreigners here by the opening of the immigrant floodgate by PAP, it's no surprise that it might contribute to such social breakdown.
$10 million won't help.
There's a limit to how much immigrant workers is acceptable here. And no, contrary to what the mainstream media and ministers always say, NOT ALL of these foreign workers are those construction workers or workers of jobs that Singaporeans don't want to take.
I have no issues of construction workers or prostitutes being China nationals.
A side note: many many many years ago i could still see policemen patrolling around the neighbourhood. But now, no more. What are all of them doing? Stay at office shake leg? Or out "under commands" to catch dissenters who have the courage to speak up against the ruling monopoly?
I seriously hope it's really not the latter.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Monday, November 15, 2010 ' 8:58 PM
Ok now there's much noise at the carpark below my HDB because there seem to be some occassion going on. There's this lion dance troupe in front leading a bunch of people plus a guy dressed up as a deity i think, and they are journeying through the whole stretch of the carpark.
So i am here taking some time off studying. Got sick of studying anyway. But hey, it's not like i studied with much productivity today either.
Chemistry is awfully boring, and economics is worse.
And i looked outside again, seeing the lions there reminds me of good old Wushu days and my comrades' and my amateurish lion dance performance at school events.
Which also reminds me of my cca certificate. One glance at it and i am kinda surprised at how it shows how "Chinese" i am LOL.
Wushu + lion dance + performance display in sports day and YOG visit by the Polish team + Chinese New Year performance + Wushu competition + Chinese representative in Chinese class + A Level Chinese A grade.
I am just short of Chinese calligraphy and China Studies to complete the set. Heh.
Ok back to the ground. There's Chemistry paper 2 tomorrow. (Fat) Hope i'll be able to ace it.
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Friday, November 12, 2010 ' 2:55 PM
A week of A level examinations had just passed.
And i felt like killing myself already. I didn't manage to awaken from my senses and grasp every single precious minute to study and practise.
Wasted a lot of time, and i don't think i can get all As and Bs for all subjects. Such grades are very essential, as preached many times by many teachers about the horrific truth that "No As, no Uni; No As, you're finished".
And of course this isn't exaggeration, when foreigners who make up almost half of the Singapore population are here to steal everything away from us, thanks to our awesome Men In White in the government earning awesome amounts of salary.
(Sorry but i am in a very depressed mood now.)
I know about the sorry state of things in Singapore now, and i wanted to do what i can to invoke change, reform and amelioration. But to do that, i feel, i need to be an elite myself first ironically, judging from the current trend of elitism now, and get recognised especially by the ignorant and inert people.
But it won't happen. I lost the chance for the first step to be an elite this week.
Plus the first step to my future as well.
Oh. Why don't i sell my soul and heart and go join and suck my way up to the current ruling party?? Most of the ministers get to earn shitload of money while doing virtually nothing constructive to Singapore and native Singaporeans.
One of them even managed to get away with mistakes and blunders by letting a lame terrorist (both pun and no pun intended) get away, and can still blame Singaporean citizens for being "complacent".
In Soviet Russu... NOT. In Pappy Singapore, the gahmen screws you.
A brief analysis of how bad i fared:
For the GP essay the sports question was the only one that i could write about, but unfortunately i didn't expect the sports question to come out and did not prepare for it though i was repeatedly warned by teachers about it. (apparently sports questions come in periodic cycles). And i know from experience and feel that i won't score well after reading what i wrote.
And the comprehension was worse. I did not manage to expend my fullest potential in the AQ.
So much for all the efforts i put in for GP in my 2-year career as a jc student. All the 30, 33, 34, 35 and 36 marks out of 50 essays i had achieved are meaningless. Come to think of it, i was always amazed at myself and wondered how did i actually manage to write out such awesome pieces of work.
Then i know, it's because they weren't completed within the suffocating 1 and a half hour time frame which serve against education's purpose by crippling a student's fullest potential.
One might comfort me about all the enlightenment and satori i experienced in the course of learning GP. But it's all naught in this elitism-ridden society especially when employers want either that awesome paper qualification or that "foreign "talent"" status.
Chemistry paper 3. Let's not talk about it. It's retarded. Cambridge spelled my favourite food incorrectly.
Mathematics paper 1 and 2. I got seriously depressed starting from yesterday night when i checked my paper 1 answers from a web page link typed by one Facebook comment on a status of an acquaintance.
Paper 1 was an easy paper. But yet i still got at least 35 marks worth of marks taken away. It's absolutely unforgivable. So much so that i should commit seppuku/harakiri. But it'll do an injustice to the honorable samurai code if i were to do it just because of a dumb education system.
And i even told myself that i will work extra hard after paper 1 after i get home yesterday to prepare for paper 2 since paper 1 is easy and all the elites won't face trouble doing it.
But i wasted most of my time daydreaming.
And today, i got screwed with paper 2.
I should screw myself. Literally??
Sleep with the trauma that kept you sleepless
Friday, November 5, 2010 ' 11:40 PM
Well it seems there's some chance that my tone used in my previous post would be easily misunderstood, judging from what the same guy i mentioned in the previous post had talked to me about after he read it.
Well, the tone intended was pretty much a light-hearted one, something like "ehhhhh whyyyyyyyy like that one huh huh" or "NOOOOOOOOOOO~" .
But then on the other hand i would have to tone down a bit because it's kinda disgusting for someone like me to do that, especially in real life.
Why? Because my frown is awesome.
As a kind of defense mechanism evolved and selected for (WTF?? EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY????) over time, (according to what people had observed and told me) i had somehow embedded a frown as the normal expression. I mentioned it before.
But of course i won't notice it myself, so i won't know for sure.
Anyway, be it as it may, i would try to avoid a clash of personae.
But wait. Why is there an issue of hypocrisy here when there can be a boundary and demarcation separating real and virtual identity?
And by the way, for your information, i have lost track of what my topic here is about.
In short, all hail the great Internet, one of the most awesome invention of the generation. And i mean it seriously.
I do not know what would have become of me without the Internet. For e.g., i wouldn't have ready access to biology, chemistry or general paper related materials to read for interest or for further exploration, or sometimes, to just find a solution to a question which i have no idea how to do.
And here's an image gotten from the Internet:
(Anw fyi, you can skip this whole paragraph of rant but i wanna say, it isn't just a random picture. The 2 girls in it are from Touhou, my favourite game, but it's not just a game- there's an extensive fanbase which includes (professional and non-professional) works like music and vocal arrangements of the game's awesome background music (arrangements are like a more higher level version of covers, but should not be confused with simplistic covers itself where it is merely copying) , mangas or even just a standalone image by itself like below)
"Vomiting play". Disturbing yet radical, extraordinary, intense and deep.
To quote a user from an awesome imageboard i visit on a daily basis and where i got this image from: " Punching your sister in the stomach and then eat her vomit must be (the) ultimate form of love."
It's like pouring out all your emotions into someone and sharing it with her, especially with reference to the amount of force that the body uses the expel the vomit.
Deep, indeed. No sarcasm here. Though one would have to think twice before actually doing it with anyone.
Currently hooked on classical Touhou music arranges from TAMusic. Seriously, they are awesome.
Ayayayaya ~
Touhou Fan.
Listens mostly to Touhou doujin music
(Because the creator of Touhou (ZUN) is damn talented, his BGM for the game series are godly, including the game series he made itself, and hence many dedicated groups of musicians do arranges of his original BGM)
("Arranges" are one level higher than "covers")
Very Japanese-oriented, absolutely not Korean-crazy like the crowd out there
Watches Japanese anime
Wants to do, learn and try many, many things, but finds it hard to find the time, commitment, and energy to do all of that
Life is short, and i want mine to be especially so